Sunday, November 26, 2006

Blood, Sweat, and Flash MP3 Players.

It took me a bit, but I was finally able to implement a flash based music player. It uses an xml type playlist format called XSPF, pronounced 'spiff'; and a flash player that can be found on Sourceforge. The hardest part was dealing with my website provider, Yahoo. They have things locked down to a point that it's difficult to manage things they way I'd like. Of course, if I had enough resources, I'd host my own website. I'll just have to make due until then. :) Here is the link.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's really Purple, I swear!

So, I have this funny thing I do when I run out of money. I spend more than I really have. Case in point, this bad boy right here. It's the Samsung YP-T9 Deep Purple mp3 player. The picture here is of the black one as I couldn't find a decent one of the purple edition. Why did I get purple? Well, every single other device I've bought is either black, silver, or gray. It's time to mix it up a bit.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

City of Heroes / Villains | Pocket D | Halloween

Ok, so on actuall Halloween night I did what was quite possibly the geekiest thing I've done to date. Hung out in a night club, in a video game. Yup, I'll admit it. :) In addition to admitting it, I'll even post pictures from the event. If you're familiar with the game, you may recognize some of the things. If you want to know more, visit the City of Heroes website.

Halloween Pepper?

OK, so I don't have many pics from Halloween, although I'm sure more will surface as time goes on. I'm the pepper, if you cannot tell. :) Anyway, I wore the costume to work on Halloween. Was in the top 10 but didn't win any prizes. The contest was rigged. All women in the top three. One a mascot version of the corporate logo, a pair that were 'sixties flight attendants', and a zombie bride chick with nice legs. Robbed I Say! I Was Robbed!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Is that Marc Tierney?

Hey look! It's Tierney passed out on my bathroom floor. And believe me, the floor in there isn't exactly the cleanest place in the house. :) It's been a long night of sake bomber. Curtis is lovin' life right now.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hey Eve, it's a POS.

And here I thought it always meant something else. Anyway, big news for anyone playing in the online universe of EVE-Online. My 'in game' corporation finally got their first player owned structure. Basically something akin to a starbase. That's all I'm going to mention for now, I'll let the picture speak for itself. If you're interested in the game at all, let me know, I'll be glad to fill in the details.

Oh yeah, that's me.. on the left of the pic, by the planet. :)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Cannot help it. That dude gets High!

So a friend of mine posted this on MySpace. I cannot stop watching it. Enjoy.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Up Too Early... California Tomorrow

Meh. It's been roughly a week since my last post. So. Two things.
First, do not go drinking at night when you have to be up early the next day. It makes life so much more difficult.
Second, I'm heading to Orange County tomorrow, going to see two friends I haven't seen in a while. Kind of miss them actually. For the hell of it, here's the links to their MySpace pages. :)

Vince Breen and Andy Suiter. (They can hate me later for using their full names.)

BTW, Vince is not on my friends list. Simply because he has a virus or something that makes him continuously post bulletins about ring tones. Unless he's doing it on purpose. Either way, it bugs the hell outta me.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Aurora Tutorial

Ok, so I decided to try another random Photoshop tutorial. This last one, called Aurora, involved a simply web page design. While not technically difficult, it did allow me to learn how to seamlessly incorporate tiled backgrounds with a title graphic. The link to my end product can be found here. Don't ask for a screenshot, I'm feeling lazy this time around. :)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Movie Audition

It's been a few days, but I figure I should post on what's going on tomorrow. This could possibly be the end-all of the wierd stuff I've done. I'm auditioning for a movie. Yup, yours truly is trying for movie stardom. We'll see how far I get. I think there is a website for the movie, but I'm not sure what it is. I did, however find this: Movie Thread There'll be more posts later on about what happened. :)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Create Your Own Planet

Look at that, I managed to make my very first planet with Photoshop. Not too bad of a job, if I do say so myself. If you'd like to give it a try, I found the tutorial at this site. Pretty easy to follow, and looks damned cool. :)

Webcam Up

Ok, so I got a bug in my shorts, and a need to avoid writing an essay paper, to put my web cam up on my site. The code is very rough & tumble, cut & paste javascript off of some random web archives. The program I found, however is a very tidy little piece of work. It's called booruWebCam, and can be found at All it does is post a JPG picture via FTP, pulled from a video source on your computer. Fairly customizable and perfect for what I needed. Turn it on while I'm here, and y'all get to see my shining face. :)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Passing and Demi-Gods

Two things:

1. Passed my Statistics class with a C-, woohoo! Even managed to get a B+ on the final exam. Here's to not doing half your homework and still getting by.

2. A friend of mine is aspiring to the position of Demi-God. Particularly the Demi-God of Wine, Women, & Song. Do I need to say more than a chicken quesadilla and a lap dance all within the same hour? I think not. Especially when I didn't have to pay for either. :) Hats off my friend, and may you always avail.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Annoying Plagiarism

As an airline employee of 6 years, I tend to notice when things go a bit awry in the industry. As a life-long computer geek, I get annoyed when I see something like this:

This is a screenshot of the the current Skywest Airlines website.

And this is a screenshot of the Mesa Air Group website, posted only a few days ago.

Notice any similarities? Yeah, so do I. There used to be a similar situation between Mesa's go! Airline website and Spirit Air. Though the similarities are still there, they are not as strong as when first posted.

Monday, September 04, 2006

So Much, For A Weekend

What to say.. My friend Jen had a birthday party at her brother's house. Motley Crue themed, of all things. It turned out pretty good, but I didn't get any pictures worth a damn. Everyone seemed intent on partying with the lights out. If I end up getting any pics, I'll edit them into this post. Other than that, cleaned my fish tanks and spent a fair amount of time on EVE. Boring I know, but I've gotta save cash some how.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Done With Statistics... Hopefully

Finally, done with that wretched class. I'm fairly confident about the outcome, a passing grade. Although if I didn't get at least a 70% I may find myself taking the class again. *sighs* I suppose I'll know come Monday.

Now They Tell Me

Ok, I'm a big fan of Dungeons & Dragons, the pen and paper type. In the past year or so, they actually produced an online D&D game called, strangely enough, Dungeons & Dragons Online. Now here's the kicker. I bought the game with high hopes, but had to cancel my subscription because I did not have enough time to play the game in groups. The game was designed with teams in mind and you pretty much had to have a team to get beyond the first couple levels. Playing in groups involves a lot more time and effort than I can spare for any game, no matter how fun. So what do they do, after I've cancelled? They introduce solo play!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

EVE Online

So. I seem to have a problem when it comes to doing what I should in order to better myself. For reasons unexplained, my mind can rationalize playing video games instead of studying for a statistics final for which I am ill prepared. Anyway, the game is called EVE Online. The best way for me to describe it is a power hungry space opera. Beautiful graphics and audio. I did, however, get completely blasted on my first real mission. I don't have time to try again tonight. The above picture is a screenshot from the tutorial. Check it out if you get a chance. Oh, and I promise to stop posting before 0600. I'm definitely not functioning well that early.

A Lesser Evil

While not necessarily a good idea, I find myself logging in to EBay every six months or so. Inevitably, I buy something. In this instance, I found some collectible cards for the game Magic The Gathering. A game I used to play four years ago! What am I really going to do with these things, except entomb them with the rest of my collection. I'm not really sure.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Strangely Enough

For unexplicable reasons, my other watch stopped functioning. So I purchased a new one. It seems I have a penchant for things big and shiny. Anyway, I'm a big fan of Fossil watches. Ya'll should check em out.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Stop the Weary Road

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad my vacation is over. Refreshed of spirit, but tired none the less. I am not one for travel and prefer my breaks spent sleeping late and eating later. Next vacation, not a soul will know until it's over. No obligations and no travelling, just some quality reading time. I think I ate a bad sandwich yesterday, my body is making its discomfiture known.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Trip to Alaska

A simple temporal paradox, I take a week of vacation yet only account a 4 day trip. Travelling non-rev is enough to cause a permanent backside twitch, but Fortune walked with me this time around. Didn't get booted, and only slightly stressed. The trip from Seattle to Phoenix as the low point of my fly-time. Last row, middle seat. Could this permutation be any less desirable. A flight is a flight, and on time is welcome. I've posted some pictures of the experience, perhaps they will help explain. The young one is my newly minted nephew, the other pictures are of Ketchikan or Thorne Bay, Alaska. It is late, and I for one, am for bed.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Me in a Comic Book

This is what happens when computer nerds get bored. I found a "Comic Art Effect Tutorial" at It looks pretty good, although remember to use a fairly high resolution image. All the ones I used had been resized for the web, and didn't have as much detail as they could have. Anyway, if you have Photoshop, you should check it out.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Statistical Sleep

What is a z-number again? I guarantee I'll forget 5 minutes after I take the final for this class. Ahem... Statistics, the diametric opposite of Happy Hour.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

First and Foremost

Strange what you think about in the shower. I'd rather be sleeping, dreaming thunderstorm dreams and dusty thoughts. Lead weights burden my retinas, rolling my eyes out of view. I'd rather not be working, but the paycheck has gotta show somehow.