Thursday, September 20, 2007

Palm Z22 - Don't Hate!

Ok, so I went to Burning Man a few weeks ago, and re-discovered the value of carrying a notepad around with me. With the chaos that inhibits my memory, it helps if I'm able to write things down as I think of them. Once back in the real world, it hit me that a geek like myself wouldn't carry a notepad, how antiquated. Instead I bought a PIM (Personal Information Manager), more specifically, the Palm Z22. It's small, only cost about $100, and doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles. There isn't any Wi-Fi, MP3 Player, Camera, or slots for additional memory. What it does do is hold notes, phone numbers, pictures, and the like. It does everything you'd expect it to, and is way cooler than a notepad. :)

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